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"... actively examine the good all around you. Seek it out, dig it up, look deeper under each stone; keep your eyes and heart open for it. Pick up some of those barnacled, seaweed-covered shells, crack them open and find some pearls."


Sean O'Leary

Want Your Dreams


Current Release - "Want Your Dreams" (Adult / Teen Edition)

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Want Your Dreams (Adult / Teen Edition)
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You can increase and maintain the desire for following and realizing your dreams. There is a simple answer to accomplish this. It’s in your hands!


Exerpt from "Introduction"
Your thoughts ignite a rocket ship,
A ride of laughter, fun and flip.
The engine that propels the jaunt
Is powered by your joyous want. ...


Exerpt from Chapter "Preliminary to Your Dreams"
Here are some important points to consider in relation to how you envision your path to and arrival at your dreams’ fruition:

  • Life is to be lived and enjoyed.
  • The pursuit of dreams is the activity that brings the real joy of life.
  • Your dreams are not an end in themselves.
  • The accomplishing of your dreams are stepping stones to new levels of existence.
  • The final accomplishment of a dream is an ideal launching-point to an even happier you.
  • A dream that ends in you not having to do anything else in life is a dead-end dream; life is for the living, fun is to be had, there can always be an enjoyable game afoot!
  • Consider, recognize and intend that once your current dream is accomplished, you will want to adopt others; and that you will progressively find yourself in a better position to do so. ...


Exerpt from Chapter "Concurrent with Your Dreams"
... Enjoying your current life is of utmost importance to following your dreams. This cannot be understated. If you do not take actions to appreciate and enjoy the good things in your current life, then your dreams will act as an affront to your life instead of an expansion. ...

Coming Soon - "Enjoy your Moments" (Adult / Teen Edition)
Exerpt from "Introduction"
"Enjoy Your Moments" is about enjoying the present with practices to help get you back to enjoying the present if you are not. It's very easy to feel good about your current life when things are going well and you are engaged in an activity that you inherently enjoy. But life is not such a flat-line in this regard. We all have to do things that are not necessarily so enjoyable and events occur in our life that are sad or angering or frustrating, etc. These things can put us off the beauty around us. Even to the point of lashing out. Some more than others, some more severe than others and for some, aftereffects last longer. Climbing back out of a “funk” can be difficult and appear impossible at the moment. And there’s nothing wrong with the experience, in fact; but staying there for too long can set you in a direction where life becomes less and less enjoyable. It seems like the only thing that you can think of is whatever is bothering you. You may go to bed thinking about IT, wake up thinking about IT and whenever you are not fully engaged in something, IT comes to mind again. Time does seem to have some “healing” effect; but how nice would it be to be able to recover your joy very quickly?  And I don’t mean glossing IT over to pretend IT doesn’t bother you. I mean really unlocking the value of the experience and moving up and out of it in a short amount of time. ...
Excerpt from Chapter "Dreams for the Future and Joy for the Present"

There’s a fine balancing act between keeping your imaginative eye on your dreams while continuing to extract the joy out of the present. It is a very fine mental line between dreaming about a better tomorrow and wallowing in the problems of today. It requires discipline and awareness of your own thought habits to make sure that your day-dreaming stays pure to your goals and your day-living stays pure to your joy.

There’s no easy way around this conundrum; it requires a certain amount of mental vigilance, initially. But once you get yourself into the right habit; it requires just some small maintenance. Again, this is a fine line; you don’t want to be constantly monitoring your thoughts at every moment; the beauty of the present will be sure to escape you as you would be continually introverted. So, you have to strike up a balance and dedicate some time each day to keeping yourself on-track with your dreams and laying the groundwork to make sure you enjoy the present. ...

Coming Soon - "Want Your Dreams" (Children's Edition)
Want Your Dreams (Children's Edition)

Children's edition of "Want Your Dreams" for ages of approximately 6 years and older.


Though, up to about 2 years old, we have no problem bringing about our desires. Depending on the individual, that simple, but powerful, capability can get "educated" out of us by the prevalence of the “work first, dream later” paradigm in which most of us have been steeped. The intention of this book is to re-acquaint children with their unstoppable power to realize their dreams and the sometimes-forgotten practice of maintaining dream visions in imagination. The call to their dream will present awareness and opportunity to act towards its accomplishment; dream first, work when it is clear what to do.